Emini Trading
Videos and Guides on How to Become a Full-Time Emini Trader

What Are Emini Futures? Why Trade Emini Futures? (Updated for 2025)
Emini futures (or ES futures) are probably the most important trading vehicle in the world. This article aims to be the ultimate introductory guide to Emini futures (and it has been updated for 2025). It includes answers to the most frequently asked questions, charts and data showing the importance of ...

Emini Trading: How I Day Trade Emini Futures
This (long) article describes, in detail, how I day trade Emini futures and what works for me. It’s divided into more than two dozen question and answer sections, so use the links below to jump to the Emini trading topics that interest you: Use the links above to jump to ...

How I Day Trade Emini Futures
This is how I use the ‘Better’ indicators to day trade Emini futures for a living. In this video and article I summarize what I’ve learned and what works for me. You need to become your own trader No two traders are alike. No two traders have the same psychology, ...

Exiting Trades: Profit Targets and Stop Losses
Conventional wisdom sucks! Or why I don’t use tight, trailing or breakeven stops. Exiting trades and the use of profit targets and stop losses is very controversial. I often get questions about why my stops are so wide and my profit targets so small. This email from Ron states the ...

Pros Running Stops and Where to Put Profit Targets
Quick video today about Running Stops and the magic 2 point zone. Use this knowledge to place your profit targets and get out on some exhaustion activity. In the Emini market you will always find a cluster of Stops sitting 2 points above a previous pivot high and 2 points ...

Emini Day Trading: 7 Rules of Thumb
Over the years I’ve catalogued 7 (so far) “Rules of Thumb” that keep me out of trouble and help me improve my Emini day trading results. These Rules of Thumb are nothing mind blowing – just some useful guidelines that stop me making stupid mistakes and keep me out of ...

What Settings Should I Use for NQ, YM, TF & EMD?
The Emini (ES) is the largest of the “mini” index futures markets – with over 500,000 trades executed every day! But it’s not for everyone. Some traders love the extra volatility of the NASDAQ or the “smoother” trend moves of the Dow. If that’s you and you’d like to use ...

Swing Trading & Day Trading Time Frames
[Note: This video was originally recorded on 2 September 2013.] Labor Day in the US, so a little time off trading. Hope you’re having fun. I wanted to respond to this question about the significance of the daily, 135 minute and 45 minute charts from Hamid: Hello Barry, I noticed ...

4 Kick-Ass Ways to Avoid Trading Small Range Days
Trading small range days is tough and usually unprofitable. This email from Gregg prompted the analysis and today’s video: Barry, Is there anything that you look at early in the day to help you determine whether we are likely to have decent range and volatility during the session? Being able ...